Colvin CPA, LLC

Colvin CPA, LLC is a 100% virtual accounting firm with a focused client base consisting of creative entrepreneurs and businesses. Working with Colvin CPA means you can focus on what matters – growing your business and enjoying life. From the start, their streamlined approach ensures you stay fully informed each month without sacrificing your valuable time.


Colvin CPA, LLC, a 100% virtual accounting firm specializing in creative businesses, collaborated with GM Web Services for a comprehensive website revamp. The primary objective was to create a modern and user-friendly online experience that aligned with Colvin CPA’s unique approach and catered to their target market. The client sought an easy-to-navigate menu that prominently highlighted their specialized accounting services. Additionally, the goal was to convey the firm’s organizational and professional competence while maintaining an approachable and laid-back style, appealing specifically to creative businesses.

The objectives included the development of custom graphics to illustrate Colvin CPA’s step-by-step processes and the integration of these graphics into the website. The site was to feature prominent, specific, and frequent calls to action tailored to each individual service offered, optimizing user engagement and conversions.

Furthermore, pricing tables were to be designed for all levels of services, facilitating easy comparison for clients. Client testimonials were to be prominently featured to instill trust and showcase the firm’s expertise. The website’s graphic elements and content writing were to reflect Colvin CPA’s unique blend of approachability and professionalism.

To streamline client interactions, GM Web Services was tasked with integrating outside software into the existing discovery questionnaire. Additionally, a careers page was to be incorporated to attract prospective hires.

The overarching goal was to deliver a website that not only captured Colvin CPA’s distinct brand personality but also provided a seamless and engaging experience for their target market while effectively communicating the firm’s organizational and professional prowess.


GM Web Services effectively addressed Colvin CPA, LLC’s objectives through a strategic set of solutions, resulting in a revamped website that not only met but exceeded their expectations:

Logo Design and Color Palette: GM Web Services designed a new logo and color palette for Colvin CPA’s brand. The logo reflects the firm’s identity, and the color palette was carefully chosen to enhance the overall visual appeal and brand consistency.

Modern User-Friendly Experience: The website was redesigned to provide a modern and user-friendly experience. The overall design was updated with contemporary aesthetics, and the user interface was optimized for intuitive navigation.

Easy-to-Navigate Menu: The menu was streamlined to ensure easy navigation, with a focus on highlighting Colvin CPA’s specialized accounting services. Clear headings and subheadings were employed to guide visitors seamlessly through the various service offerings.

Target Market Communication: The website’s content and imagery were tailored to clearly speak to Colvin CPA’s target market—creative businesses. Graphics, visuals, and language were chosen to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of creative professionals.

Custom Graphics for Processes: Custom graphics were created to visually represent Colvin CPA’s step-by-step processes. These graphics were strategically placed on relevant pages, providing a visual guide for clients and enhancing the overall user experience.

Prominent Calls to Action: Specific and frequent calls to action were strategically placed throughout the site, tailored to each individual service. These prompts encouraged users to engage at various touchpoints, ultimately driving conversions and client interactions.

Pricing Tables for Easy Comparison: User-friendly pricing tables were designed for all levels of services, making it easy for clients to compare offerings. Clear visuals and concise descriptions were used to facilitate a quick and informed decision-making process.

Client Testimonials: Positive client testimonials were prominently featured on relevant pages, serving as social proof of Colvin CPA’s expertise and reliability. This added credibility and built trust among potential clients.

Approachable Yet Professional Style: The website was crafted to reflect Colvin CPA’s approachable, laid-back style, while still emphasizing the firm’s organizational and professional feel. The graphic elements, color palette, and content were carefully chosen to strike this balance.

Integration with Outside Software: GM Web Services seamlessly integrated outside software into the existing discovery questionnaire, streamlining client interactions and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Careers Page: A dedicated careers page was developed to attract prospective hires. This page showcased Colvin CPA’s company culture, values, and provided information about career opportunities within the firm.

The result was a visually engaging and functionally rich website that effectively captured Colvin CPA’s brand personality, facilitated user engagement, and communicated the firm’s professionalism and expertise. By addressing each of the client’s specific requests, GM Web Services delivered a website that not only met Colvin CPA’s objectives but also exceeded their expectations.



Sample Pages

Elevate Your Digital Marketing with GM Web Services

Choose GM Web Services as your partner in unlocking the full potential of your business's digital marketing. With a 25 year proven track record, we have crafted and launched thousands of websites using a transparent, interactive, and client-centric approach. Our commitment to you begins with open lines of communication and culminates in exceeding your expectations.

Backed by a dynamic team of content creators, graphic designers, social media managers, and skilled developers, we are dedicated to delivering digital solutions tailored precisely to your business needs. Our comprehensive range of services covers every aspect of digital transformation. From creating stunning websites and seamless hosting to curating compelling content optimized for search engines.

Allow us to handle your companies digital needs whether website design and development, WordPress management, e-commerce site design, or website hosting. GM Web Services can partner with your business to navigate the intricacies of social media management, Google business optimization, as well as handle your copywriting and blog post needs. Trust our creative process for graphic and logo design to keep your company on brand.

We ensure your online presence shines brightly. Seamlessly integrating automation across platforms, we empower your business to thrive in the digital age.

At GM Web Services, we are primed to transform the web into a powerful tool that drives your business success.